The health and safety of our school community is our highest priority. Our goal is to ensure that your child is appropriately cared for if they are ill and to allow them to return to school as quickly as is safely possible. Please notify school staff if your child is ill.
A child must stay home if:
- They are unable to participate comfortably in normal school activities
- They require greater care than school staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children
- The child has any of the following conditions and/or poses a risk of spreading harmful diseases to others:
- Fever: A child with a fever (temperature greater than 100 °F) should not come to school until their temperature is normal for 24 hours without medication.
- Upper Respiratory Illness/Colds: The child must be able to participate in all school activities, and should not be tired or listless. Temperature must be normal for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.
- Vomiting/Diarrhea: Please do not send children exhibiting these symptoms to school until there has been no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours without medication.
- Infectious rashes, ringworm, impetigo, and scabies: The student is excluded from school until under an effective treatment (medication) and no longer considered contagious. If your child has a rash and fever, please contact a healthcare provider.
- Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): If your child’s eyes are red, swollen and have a discharge or crusty matter in the eyelashes, please contact a healthcare provider. Your child may return to school when under treatment and no discharge is present.
- Streptococcal Sore Throat/Scarlet Fever: The child should be treated by a health care provider and may not attend school until they are under treatment and without fever for 24 hours.
- Chicken pox: Notify school staff immediately if you suspect your child has chicken pox. The child must be excluded from school for at least six days from the start of the rash. Lesions should be healed over prior to return to school.
- Head Lice: Students are allowed to return to school after treatment with an antiparasitic shampoo.
Respiratory Viruses
For complete respiratory virus guidance, please consult:
- Students with symptoms of any respiratory illness (influenza, Covid-19, etc.) should stay home until symptoms are improving AND the student is fever free for 24 hours without medication.
- Depending on the severity of symptoms, students may be asked to wear a mask for up to five days upon return to school.
- A doctor’s note may be requested before a child is allowed to return to school. School staff reserve the right to make the final decision about a child’s return to school.
Masking Policy
Students with symptoms of respiratory illness who remain at school may be asked to wear a mask; disposable masks are available at school. We reserve the right to require universal masking on campus when deemed necessary by community spread of illnesses such as influenza or Covid-19. We will rely on guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), and/or Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health.
Medication at school
All efforts should be made by the child’s guardians to schedule any doses of medication to be given at home if possible. A medication form must be completed for medication to be administered at school. A new medication form must be completed at the beginning of each school year, for each medication, and each time there is a change in dosage or time of administration of a medication. This form will need to be signed by the parent/guardian as well as by the prescribing physician. These guidelines apply to medication in pill form, but also to inhalers, Epi-pens, and other rescue medications. Additionally:
- Prescription labels should include the child’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage and dosage intervals, the name of the physician, and the date the prescription was filled.
- Non-prescription, or over the counter, medication will only be given in accordance with the directions on the label for that child’s age/weight. These medications must come in their original packaging with the child’s first and last name on the bottle.
- An adult must bring the medication to the school.
- The first dose of any new medication must be given at least 24 hours prior to their first dose given in school in order to observe for any negative reactions or side effects.
Vaccinations according to the CDC schedule and recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) are highly encouraged; this includes yearly influenza vaccines, as well as any updated Covid-19 boosters. Immunization records should be submitted to be kept on file at the school.
Vision, Hearing, and Dental Screenings
Once yearly vision, hearing, and dental screenings will be offered when possible at the school for all students. Parents/guardians may choose to opt out of any or all of these screenings. Information about your student’s evaluation during each screening will be sent home, and may suggest follow-up with additional medical professionals. More information will be provided as each of the screenings are scheduled.
Communication/Emergency Contacts
In the event that your student becomes ill at school, Limestone staff will assess their condition outside of the classroom, and contact parents/guardians if deemed necessary. Fever and/or vomiting will require the child to be picked up as soon as possible. It is very important that parent/guardian contact information is kept up to date with the school, and that there is an emergency contact on file for if parents/guardians cannot be reached. In the event of serious illness or injury, children will be transported to the nearest hospital emergency room.
We reserve the right to update this policy to reflect the most current data and policies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), and/or Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health. Any updates or alterations will be communicated to our students’ families via email.